youth ministries

  • Sunday school

    pre-k - 6th grade

    Children hold a special place at CC South Jersey. We offer age-appropriate classes that teach the truth of God's Word. Our Sunday school teachers and helpers love Jesus and have a passion to share Him with the next generation. 

    CCSJ uses KidCheck at drop off/pick up. Click here to pre-register.

  • nursery

    newborn - 2 years old

    Our nursery is open for Sunday morning and Wednesday evening services. We also have a room for parents to stay with their children on Sunday mornings with a live stream of the service.

    CCSJ uses KidCheck at drop off/pick up. Click here to pre-register.

  • youth group

    7th - 12th grade

    Bible study & fellowship every Sunday during our 9am 1st service in Multipurpose Room 1.

  • awana

    Wednesdays 6:30-7:30pm grades K-6

    Awana is a worldwide, Bible-based evangelism and discipleship program that gives students the opportunity to know, love, and serve Jesus. Our goal is to reach kids with the Gospel and engage them in lifelong discipleship.

    Interested in joining Awana? Register here.

    CCSJ uses KidCheck at drop off/pick up. Click here to pre-register.

  • grace christian academy

    Grace Christian Academy is a homeschool co-op with a mission to glorify God through academic excellence. With that mission in mind GCA partners with families to help educate students so they can bear fruit and bring Christ to the world. GCA is a classical Christian academy that embraces the three stages of learning: grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Click here to visit the GCA website.