Willing hearts meet at the church every Saturday @ 12:00pm for street witnessing opportunity. Pray before we go out into the streets sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ! For more information visit: equippedevangelism.org.
Outreach Ministries
Food Bank
Drive-thru food bank first Saturday of the month, 10:00AM - 12:00PM. Call the church office for more information, 856-848-4500.
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child has been sending boxes filled with gifts to children in need all around the world since 1993. It brings us great joy to be a small part of this ministry. In July we hold a donations drive for items to supply our packing party held in early November. Interested in helping with OCC? Call the church office, 856-848-4500.
home missions - kensington
The Rock has a vision to put a missionary home on every block to win Kensington, PA, one block at a time. CCSJ Home Missions has come alongside The Rock in its efforts to win one child, one family, one block for Christ in Kensington.
This project was complete in October 2024.